As the years pass by, we are loosing much of our soaring history.
Historical data and pictures have gradually disappeared from the clubs. Some were just
stolen. Others have been discarded as old junk. Pictures have been removed from
photo-albums to be incorporated in promotion presentations. Others have been given to
journalists asking for something to accompany their articles. For all those reasons only
the old photos in private hands remain.
Wives (especially widows) are the greatest enemy to personal soaring archives. They just
throw them away. So we thought of collecting our personal soaring archives.
We collected material from the beginning of the gliding era in Greece in the '30ies, till
the mid'80ies. Later material is still in abundance.
The old photos are mostly in black-and-white. In the old times the gliders were colored
but the pictures were in black-and-white. The later photos are in color but the gliders are all white.
The aesthetic of contemporary sailplanes is the same as in refrigerators. They all have the same shape
and they all are white.
The photos are grouped by decades.
By pure coincidence, in each decade, soaring in Greece has followed a different path.
Following the photos you also get a general idea of each decade's soaring history.
The collection may seem to focus on certain persons. This is the result of scanning
personal archives.
Photos from the 30ies
Last flights of the 30ies
Photos from the 40ies
Photos from the 50ies
Photos from the 60ies
Photos from the 70ies in Athens
Photos from the 70ies in Edessa
Photos from the beginning of the 80ies
Here are some color ones
Sailplanes in Greece
Building gliders in Greece
Soaring sportsmen in Greece
History of soaring in Greece
Soaring paintings
Soaring drawings
Soaring poems
For the present collection following friends have contributed:
T.Panagiotou, P.Savoulidis, G.Gioutsos, A.Audis, G.Ioannou, A.Brelis.
Although most material has been produced by amateurs on a non-profit basis, there is no
information on the earlier photos.
Contents are not to be reproduced commercially.